Matthew J. Thomas, DPhil
Courses Taught
- Prophets
- Wisdom Literature
- Pentateuch and Histories
- Christianity from Christ to Constantine
- Introduction to Sacred Scripture
- The Gospels
- Pauline Literature
- Acts, Catholic Epistles and Revelation
- Josephus Seminar
- Introductory / Intermediate Greek
Recent Publications
- 'Justification', St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology. Edited by Brendan N. Wolfe et al.
- Review of Paul and the Power of Grace, by John M. G. Barclay. Mere Orthodoxy, December 9, 2021.
- Paul's 'Works of the Law' in the Perspective of Second-Century Reception, foreword by Alister McGrath (IVP Academic, 2020).
- "Christianity as True Philosophy: the theology of St. Justin Martyr," Thomistic Institute of UCLA & UCSB, April 2021.
- "Origen on Paul's Authorship of Hebrews," New Testament Studies no. 65.4 (October 2019).
- 1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees, introductions and commentary with Leeanne Thomas in Ignatius Study Bible (Ignatius, forthcoming 2022).
- “Paul and the Gift: A Mirror for Our Protestant Faces,” Nova et Vetera, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Winter 2019).
From the Professor
I am originally from the East Bay, and am grateful for the opportunity to serve here in Berkeley at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology. My primary teaching areas at DSPT are in Old and New Testaments, patristics and biblical languages.
In 2016 I completed at D.Phil in Theology (New Testament and Patristics) at the University of Oxford, which was published as Paul's 'Works of the Law' in the Perspective of Second Century Reception (Mohr Siebeck, 2018; IVP Academic, 2020). This project sprang from my own desire to understand more precisely Paul's teachings regarding faith, works and justification within his original context. Methodologically, the study is driven by the conviction — perhaps best articulated by my own hero C.S. Lewis in "Fern-Seed and Elephants" — that early readers who shared the same culture, language and historical context with the authors in question can be of great help for interpretation to later readers who lack such advantages. Practically speaking, this means breaking down some of the barriers that have arisen between disciplines (such as between NT and Patristics), allowing each to enrich and shed light on the other rather than simply studying them in isolation.
Prior to graduate studies, I worked as a coordinator of after-school programs for inner-city youth in East Oakland, and this ministry context continues to provide much of the inspiration for my own research and writing. My wife Leeanne and I both did masters studies at Regent College in Vancouver (where we met in a Hebrew class), and we now have four children — Camille, Raphael, Michael and Agnes — who are also aspiring theologians.